Well, it is time to send another wee gift to my Secret Sister on the Quilting on a Budget group to hopefully brighten her day. The challenge of this Secret Sister Swap is to keep the cost of the whole year, less postage, under ten dollar. Not easy! lol
So, this is where I started - with two thrift store finds. The first is a package of soap roses - I love these as they always strike me as so ladylike. The second item is a round glass box with a little verse about a new baby boy. The verse got taken out and I was able to slip a silkie from the crazy quilting stash into it's place. Then the roses went into the box and voila!

I ended up with a nice little accent for my Secret Sister's washroom! After wrapping it in a couple of fat quarters in the colours she needs it is on it's way!
That's such a neat idea! You are so creative! Kathy