The first parcel contained Jo in New Zealand's new little book, "SEAMS like fun...". No, I didn't order three - I just borrowed the photo from Jo's Etsy Shop, which is where you can run to for ordering your own copy of this little gem! And you can read more about it there as well - Jo describes it better than I can. lol Just let me say I am very happy with it and have already been inspired for this week's BAS Challenge... more on that in the next post!

The second parcel contained - at last! - my very own copy of Beaded Dimensional Embroidery, by Helan Pearce. The library system will be happy that I have now given them their copy back! This is another great reference book and full of eye candy.
Both of these books are, as I said, great eye candy but - better still - they are books you can use! I already have more than enough books on my shelves that sit there and look pretty. What I look for now are books that do that as well as inspire me to create, not just dream of creating. Both of these books fit the bill. Like the movie reviewers say... two thumbs up!