Well, I finally had to go to the post office and say good bye to Simona's block today. It is such a lovely block I could have happily kept it until it was full! But since I am only the second to stitch on it I don't think that would be appreciated. So, the photo above is of what I have added to the block. This is only the left side of the block so the stitching that was already done is not visible here.
The first thing I added was the little garden scene which I have posted about before and the double herringbone seam above it with the little cream coloured glass beads. Next I worked on my BAS Week 29 seam. I think I need to get over my obsession with Gloriana Princess Petite Perle though - it is getting me in trouble! There was enough in a skein for the bullion roses you see on that seam and only that many, which explains my next little motif which covers the rose-less bottom end of the seam! God bless lace - it covers a multitude of sins!

The cabochon is an old earring from the thrift store, half the clip assembly is still on the back so it didn't want to lay down nicely but I think I figured out a way to bead it on that actually worked! I may write a tutorial on it just so I remember how I did it next time I have one to do.

Simona's whole block had a rose theme to it so I followed suit. My last motif was this basket of roses silkie from my stash The background of the silkie was white-white and glared against all the soft creams of the block so I trimmed it down and buttonholed all around to attach it. I think it worked out okay. I hope Simona will like what I have done - I am feeling a bit bereft now the block has gone on it`s way - I am blockless and feel at loose ends. Of course I can think of about five other projects that should have been finished yesterday so maybe I should get on them!