The pictures this week aren`t the greatest so bare with me while I explain. This week`s challenge is to use a length of ribbon to meander along a seam. Usually I use beads to attach the ribbon but whatever you want to experiment with is great.

Here are a few more examples I lifted from the photos at CQI:

These two show the lovely meandering I have been trying to describe!

If anyone has a better picture they would be willing to share I would love to add it here! This was all I could find in my laptop here at the lake.
For anyone happening on this post who isn`t familiar with the BAS, the Build a Seam Challenge is open to anyone who would like to take part. My only request is that you share a picture of what you come up with. Please leave a comment with a link to your photo so we can all enjoy your creation. The purpose of the challenge is to try to stretch our comfort zones a bit as far as seam treatments go by trying new stitches, etc. Each week I will post a new stitch technique or a basic framework for a seam and it is up to everyone to see what they can add in the way of stitches, beads, baubles, etc. to come up with a seam treatment they are happy with. Have fun!
I'm just now reading the answer to the question I asked about your BAS challenge,LOL!!!
I definitely want to play...VBG!!