Well, this is what I came up with for the first week of the Build a Seam - not at all happy with it! I managed to stump myself with those circles though so just managing something was a minor success. I dug for these flower beads in a huge bin of loose beads in the bead store Gerry took me to in Spokane so it was good I used them before I managed to lose them. I really liked them. The picture is awful - dd borrowed the camera and brought it back with a dead battery Sunday night so had to scan this. I would love pictures of what anyone else came up with!
I think circles are difficult, probably because they're an enclosed space.....I'm already behind, so need to get cracking on this one and the next one!
This next seam looks more fun to play with. Also should have a spare free week when this RR block is off in post ( well fingers crossed)
Hugs Pam