This go around of this Sampler Round Robin the designated stitches were Chevron Stitch and French Knots so both are contained in the seam treatments I did.
This was one of the two motifs that I did on Bonnie's block. It was a piece of reclaimed jewelry - a thrift store find of course, lol - and I used it as a cabachon. First I glued the cameo onto a piece of linen using that wonderful glue, E6000, and stitched around it twice with gold seed beads. I then trimmed the backing fabric as close to the stitches as possible and added another round of beads. Then the whole thing was sewn onto the block. I like doing it like this because if the owner doesn't like it, just snipping a few threads will allow the whole thing to come off. I wouldn't feel right applying glue directly to someone's block - what if it didn't work?
This is the second of the two motifs I did on this block. I made a topiary using french knots - hundred and thousands of french knots it seemed like! It was stitched with Weeks overdyed floss which gave it a bit of variety in the green. The plant pot is simply a plastic button sewn on. It can be removed easily if Bonnie prefers not to have plastic on her block and wants to replace it with something else.
So, now I'm waiting for the next block to arrive in this round robin - I am really enjoying this one! Hope Bonnie likes what I have done here!
Lynn, down in SoCal
Annie - I always underestimate how many french knots it will take for something like this and get about a third of the way through and then think, "Lord! What have I gotten myself into?" ROFLOL!
Thank you Lynn! There was that one green fabric that kept calling to me to I thought I could get away will pulling that colour in here and there. Glad you think it worked! Your opinion means a lot to me - I love your stitching! (I think I might want to be you when I grow up! lol)