I had the pleasure last Saturday of attending a Stitch-In Day held by the Calgary Guild of Needle and Fibre Arts. These blocks are what I took with me to work on. They were for a quilt block lottery I took part in. Each month one of the online groups I belong to have a lottery where a block is chosen, in this case "Lover's Knot", along with specific colours. The colours chosen for this one were blue, yellow, white and a print with yellow centered flowers or any combination of these colours. So, these are the fabrics I chose and I managed to get my five blocks made. Your name goes into the hat if you pledge blocks and then one name is chosen and everyone sends their blocks to that person. She ends up with enough blocks for a quilt top usually. I have loved "sane quilting" as we cq'ers call it, forever - my Mom was a quilter and I still treasure the ones she made no matter how threadbare they are becoming. So, my motivation in taking part in these lotteries is to force myself to learn how to piece blocks so one day hopefully I will manage to make a quilt of my own. Of course, if I happened to win the lottery one month that would be an extra bonus!
Love and hugs Gina xxx