The winner of last week's Friday Giveaway of the current issue of Spin Off magazine is Marilyn! lol - an easy win for Marilyn since she was the only one who left a comment. Marilyn didn't leave an email so I would ask her please to contact me - just leave a comment with your email and I will email you right back to get your mailing information. (I will not publish the comment with your email) If I don't hear back from you by next Friday I will include the magazine in with the prize for next week.
Last week I asked for comments suggesting what would make a good giveaway item in the future. Since Marilyn's suggestion was the only one, I will take it! So, this week I will be giving away some specialty threads as Marilyn suggested, along with a package of these great clock charms I just received in the mail.
Aren't these great charms? When I found them I bought all that there were in stock, five packages, so I have enough to share with you as well as a package for a little surprise for my miniaturist friend, Lorna. I am sure she will find a creative way to use them! As for me, timepieces speak to me about Alzheimer's Disease - time for a cure, time slipping away, etc., so I am sure they will find themselves on one of the AAQI quilts I will make in the near future.
And, of course, some threads! Here are the threads you will win:
This has been my favourite thread to use for seamwork for almost a year, Gloriana Princess Petite Perle. It is a gorgeous hand dyed silk thread that is lovely to work with. You will get one skein of this thread in Highland Garden (Dark).
Since I discovered Valdani Pearl Cotton recently, it has become another favourite of mine. I love the varigations. This particular one is a very subtly variegated green and the thread is size 12. This is another thread I love for seam treatments.
These five assorted types of thread by Rainbow Gallery. Patina is 100% rayon and this one is a gorgeous slate colour. Next up is Arctic Rays in a soft pink. It is a sparkly, frizzy nylon thread that is lots of fun. I have made dragonfly bodies with Arctic Rays as well as using it in cross stitch to make things I wanted to have more texture, like snowmen or mittens. Bravo is a strandable 4-ply cotton. One ply is equivalent to #12 perle cotton. Again, you can see I'm a sucker for varigations. Razzle Dazzle is a very sparkly metallic thread. It is quite thick so would be fun to couch down. Gold Rush is another metallic, in orange this time.
Just to round things out, how about a skein of DMC #5 Cotton Perle? This is thicker than I like for stitching seam treatments but if you use your imagination I am sure you will find a use for it.

Last but not least, these are some of the silk threads that a friend brought me back from a trip to China. The colours are very vibrant but you need smooth hands to work with these. They are too delicate for me to work with while I am working in the campground in the summer.
I said that I would give a reason I am celebrating with a giveaway each week. This week I am celebrating my AAQI quilt being selected for the Alzheimer's Illustrated: From Heartbreak to Hope Exhibit. What are you celebrating?
So, here is how it works:
1. For one entry leave a comment telling me what you are celebrating this week - the summer weather, a happy accomplishment, a birthday or anniversary or whatever! Counting our blessings is always a good thing so let me know one of yours!
2. For a second entry, become a follower or let me know you already are in a separate post.1. For one entry leave a comment telling me what you are celebrating this week - the summer weather, a happy accomplishment, a birthday or anniversary or whatever! Counting our blessings is always a good thing so let me know one of yours!
3. For a third entry, blog about this giveaway and leave me another comment with a link to the post.
For celebrating? So much! My husband gave me the most awesome camera, just because! And my son and his family are coming back home from Iowa for the second time this month.
I'm already a faithful follower, hence I don't know how I missed the last give away. I'll post also to my blog.
Ann Flowers
So what am I celebrating this week?
Well my seventeen old daughter has been very ill with sever pain, weakness and her lower spine is discoloring internally. While on a trip to California this last weekend she fell getting out of the tub hitting her head and falling on the floor. We spent the entire night in a a town and hospital unknown to us. Although she got a sprained neck and strained back, I am CELEBRATING that she broke nothing,and one of their tests revealed she has a lesion on the back of her brain. We are all thankful and celebrating the fact we are one step closer to finding out what is wrong with her.
Thank you so much Kerry for a stupendous giveaway!
Ann Flowers
Here is the link:
Would love to be in your give away. And of course I am following you for ages :)
Two points :)
I am thankful of my family.
Another fantastic giveaway! Thanks for a chance to win.
I am celebrating the fact that summer is almost over and that the kids will be going back to school! I forgot how hard it was to entertain two
This week I'm celebrating a new baby in the family, my niece who was born on Monday!
I follow your blog.
Thanks so much for the chance to enter this giveaway,
Congrats about your quilt!
I am also a follower.
First, I am a follower already.
I would love to wind this giveaway. I am getting back to CQ and find that I am thread poor. I have plenty of DMC floss but no other threads.
You are right , there is reason to celebrate EVERDAY!!
Today, I mention that I am celebrating my daughter and grandchildren have returned from vacation, safe and sound!! Yay!!
This weekend we attended a baby shower for my neice to celebrate the birth of her first child.
I love reading your blog and seeing all the pretty things that you make. I just recently got into Crazy Quilting and your stitch tutorials are so helpful.
Ok - what I'm celebrating - how about the fact that I made it to #58! Yep - 4th of July I celebrated another birthday and am so grateful that I still have my health, a great family & freinds and most of all - the best husband in the world.
I am celebrating 6 months of taking Aricept as I was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease 6 months ago, however, my doctors, my family and my friends tell me they see improvement instead of shrinking on my abilities. I am truly thankful!
I would love to win this week's giveaway as I keep myself busy with my CQ work and SRE. I am at present finishing up a wall hanging for my youngest great grandchild who has CF. She was 1 yr. old in April. It will incorporate many pictures of her and her family during the first year of her life, printed on silk and appliqued on the 9 CQ pastel blocks of the wall hanging. I have encrusted the seams and such fun! I am anxious to start on the next phase with the pictures and am sure some of the threads would be lovely to enjoy!
Thank you so much,
Carol Lindberg
Ginny M in MA
I am celebrating the finishing of a quilt top. The pattern was probably beyond my skill level and it has taken forever.
today it's my sons 21th birthday.
Yes the summer is hot here in Germany, so hot like 21 years ago.
I see my son laying on my lap only wearing a diaper as it was yesterday .
Sunny greetings from Germany
PS. I have a link to Your blog on my sidebar.
Hugs, Shari
Even if I don't win thanks for the information on the different threads. And where did you buy those time charms? They are so cute. I think I may have seen some quite some time ago with scrapbooking supplies.
Cathy L