The Mailblocks group on Yahoo has monthly quilt block lotteries. Everyone makes 5 or so blocks in a specified pattern and colours and then a name is drawn from everyone who made blocks and they are all sent to the lucky winner. I resolved not to put my name in any month until I had the blocks completed. Don't need any more unfinished projects hanging over my head! So, for October the pattern chosen was Jacob's Ladder and the colours are blue and cream. I have just finished my blocks so can now allow myself to run over and put my name in the draw! This is all part and parcel of my wanting to learn to make "sane" quilts. Each month I take part gives me a bit more practice on making blocks. I am quite pleased with how these turned out - they are more complicated than I would have chosen so were a challenge. I am pleased though that I managed to match most of the points - I'm starting to see an improvement!