I have just finished my work on Meg's On the Seamy Side RR block. This go around was buttonhole stitch and spider webs.
I managed to come up with a small motif of three buttonhole stitch circles, adding the odd bead to them.
The second motif I did on Meg's block was the requisite spider web. This time I chose to do a corner one for a change, anchoring the strands of the web to the beads in the adjoining seam. The spokes of the web are done in Japanese Buttonhole Thread and Glissen Gloss and the connecting strands are of Glissen Gloss alone. Both of these threads I received in the recent Threads of Friendship Swap at Crazy Quilting International. I built a spider for the web from some pearl beads.

Next I did a couple buttonhole seams. The top one is a curving row of buttonhole stitch with the purple grape bunches added.
The second seam was Woven Buttonhole Stitch made of two rows of buttonhole stitch facing each other and with Japanese Gold Thread woven through the two lines of stitches.

The last seam is a Pyramid Buttonhole Stitch with two rows of the stitches mirroring each other on either side of the seam and silver spacers, beads, and detached chain stitches to dress it up a bit. If it looks familiar it is because it was my Week 11 Build a Seam sample.
So, here is a picture of Meg's block as it was ready to go into the mail. I was the last one to work on it so it is heading home to Meg now. I think she will be pleased with it. Everyone did such lovely seams!
I know everyone in the round robin enjoyed working on this cool colour palette of Meg's.
So this is my last block to work on in this round robin. Now I only need to wait for mine to come home to me. I am quite anxious to see it!
Hugs JUdy