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Thank you!

Just a note to say thank you to everyone who commented on my post about my missing muse!  I am taking all your advice to heart and am sure I'll have a needle and thread in my hands again soon. 

I did read a novel since then - a bit disappointing since it was so darned predictable - but entertaining nonetheless.  Much more interesting was the reading material that came in the mail! 

Every quilting magazine seems to have at least one project I would like to make in it.  I know, I know, I am not a sane quilter, but one day I would like to be!

Pieceworks is always a wonderful, substantial read and I was delighted to see Pat Winter`s entry in the annual contest.  Pat`s entry is a purple crazy quilted heart (hearts were the theme for this year`s contest) and her entry certainly deserved the recognition it received.

I have lusted after Mary Web`s Embroidery Stitches book for some time and finally treated myself to a copy! 
After Gayle shared her first Kanzashi flowers at CQI, I simply had to learn more about them!  So, I am happy that my copy of Kanzashi in Bloom has arrived for me to read.  Kanzashi are flowers created from folded fabric and are the flowers in geisha's headpieces you may have seen in photos.

What can I say about these patterns?  I hope to bead some of these ornament covers - whether I ever will or not I do not know.  Some of these are actually labelled beginner though so there may be hope!

I spent a whole day  running errands or at home catching up on laundry and doing what I could to ease dh's housework load there.  He certainly appreciated coming through the door and finding a homecooked meal on the table, with enough leftovers to take for his lunch the next day.  Poor man is on a 16 day stretch of no days off and ten, eleven or more hour days.  When you add the 2 hour commute to that no wonder he is tired out.

Just as well that I have enough to keep me out of his way when he is this tired and busy.  So, I was delighted when my materials arrived in the mail for the EGA stumpwork correspondence course, Honeysuckle and Hummingbird! 

The next package I opened contained Cathy's set of DYB blocks from the Pansies round robin at CQI.  Another project and better yet a project with a deadline:  just what I need to bring my muse out of hiding and put her back to work!  I can't wait to get started!

So often you order something online and it doesn't meet your expectations.  These charms exceeded my expectations for them!  I had thought they were not what I wanted but I could make do.  Instead, they were exactly what I wanted!

As if that wasn't enough, I received a wonderful gift of cq goodies from Aida!  Look at all the luscious stuff she sent me - thank you Aida!  I especially love the threads and beads and the blue fabrics are perfect for a project I have bubbling around in the back of my head (more on that later).
This was absolutely my favourite of all the fabrics Aida gifted me with - isn't this the most wonderful colour of dupioni you have ever seen?!

And yes, the mandatory puppy photo!  lol  Little Bear has managed to find a cozy safe spot to nap.  It is a little carpeted ledge way under the kitchen table in the trailer, I think it accomodates the wheel well.  Obviously I don't get under there to clean often!  I do so like the way these little guys lay out with their legs straight out behind them - it reminds me of a little seal when they lie like this.

I made a happy discovery while finding good treats for the puppy.  They need softer chewy items and I have found these same items are more palatable for my older dog as well.  Her teeth are no longer good and her heart condition prevents her being put under to have them cleaned or extracted.  Rawhide is not recommended since it swells up in the puppies' tiny stomach and of course the white bleached rawhide is a big no-no since the bleach is very hard on them.  We discovered that the hard way with my daughter's bloodhound.  So, I decided on veal pizzles and both of the dogs are enjoying them immensely.  If you don't know what a pizzle is, I'm not telling!  lol

And last but not least, here is the start of my dishcloth.  It is helping me to get myself back on track and wake up my muse.  Although it is not very creative just following a simple knitting pattern, it is helping me discipline myself to get back to handwork.  With the inspiration from the new reading material, new projects to work on, and all your support I am slowly getting my cq mojo back.  Thanks for your help!


Mosaic Magpie said…
A Crazy Quilting Adventure sent me over. I am glad she did. Your blog header is georgeous. I am in the same funk with my creative muse. Do you think the hot summer has caused them to stay in their cool caves? Anyway hope you and I get them back soon. I love using those dishcloths.
Jaz said…
Wow the beaded ornament covers are so pretty, I maybe wouldn't use them (they seem like a bit too much) but making them would be so much fun!
Pat Winter Gatherings said…
I want Little Bear!!!! Oh my how adorable. I would be afraid I would squeeze the life from him, he is so cute. Thanks for the mention. I loved the bleeding heart..heart :-). Looks like you will be enjoying some new stash, always fun! Keep creating.
Rachel said…
Looks like you have plenty of fascinating pieces to reignite the creative flame!

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