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The Giveaway Baggie!

So, here is the baggie Cathy won - hope you enjoy it Cathy!
So, I started with a small basic baggie and added one item for every person who commented and entered the draw. The 38 items I added are:
1, 2, 3 & 4 - are a sampling of the Fimo faces I have made (fun for cabachons);
5. - three Asian coins;
6. - a flower pot button and two vase buttons (plastic);
7. - a fan charm (cannabilized from costume jewelry);
8. - half a yard of ecru beaded braid trim I discovered in the quilting store yesterday (lol - half a yard for you and half a yard left for me!)
9. - three tie tack type pieces of jewelry (ruler, scissors and pencil), for use either as jewelry or to be cannibalized for cq! lol
10. - "Home Sweet Home" book subtitled "25 Beautiful Cross-Stitch Designs for Every Room in the House" , a Vanessa-Ann Collection along with some waste canvas. There is a method to my madness here! I love using waste canvas to stitch cross stitch motifs onto cq blocks so I figure this is another chance to convert someone! The book has large pictures and samplers in it but there are small designs that can be lifted out of them - some nice trees, autumn leaves, etc. This is how I usually find my motifs to cross stitch since a lot of the smaller designs that are meant to be stitched by themselves can tend to be too cartoonish for cq.
11. - a piece of ivory silk;
12. - a piece of mauve silk;
13. - a piece of silk that is either plum or brown, can't decide. All these are lightweight silks I found in a "cloth shop" in the city. Have you checked out the sari shops yet for inexpensive lightweight silk in a rainbow of colours? You should! It isn't dupioni, of course, but it is silk and the colours are fun!
14. - a piece of red-red-red silk;
15 - a piece of lightweight silk, forest green;
16. & 17. - two pieces of silk both of which change colour depending on how the light is hitting it. One seems to go from purple to blue and the other is a mauve/rose colour with blue undertones. More finds from the sari shop!
18. - a card of Gold Rush #14 (blue)
19. - a card of Gold Rush #14 (dark green)
20. - a card of Gold Rush #14 (light green)
21. - a skein of Edmar thread (Lola) in hot pink;
22. - some metal buttons;
23. - some glass buttons;
24. - a few funky old plastic buttons. Don't usually like plastic but if it old enough I do!
25. - a length of red beaded braid trim;
26. - a venise lace peacock for you to play with;
27. - a floral trim (flower leaves with little pearls and sequins) from a wedding dress;
28. - half of a lace collar;
29. - a silkie I made of a little girl in a nurses' cap holding a puppy with a bandage on his foot. (Come on, you want to say it....Awwwwwwww......) lol
30. - three mauve tassels;
31. - a short length of pink and yellow oyas;
32. - two emu feathers. (roflol - you figure out what to do with them!)
33. - three different butterfly charms;
34. - a length of tatted trim;
35, - three different heart charms;
36. - some small satin flowers with pearl centers;
37. - pink glass flower beads; and...
38. - two little ladybug beads.

Whew! I was getting out of breath there! I hope you have as much fun with these little treasures, Cathy, as I have had putting the goody bag together!

I have discovered it is even more fun holding a giveaway draw than it is entering them so I'll be having more. I'll think of a different twist next time!


Anonymous said…
What a lucky winner! The silkies are definitely "Ahhhh" material. Do you make them to sell, or is there a tutorial somewhere? Seeing some brand names will be a help to me to gather some supplies.
kerrykatiecakes2 said…
I am off Friday for a week's holiday, Joyce, but when I get back I think I will get my Etsy shop up and running online with some silkies and baggies of cq goodies.

If nothing else I will certainly do a tutorial - can you wait a week to ten days? I know there would be others online if not and I could find some for you!
Unknown said…
Those are some lovely goodies! Cathy is a very lucky winner! My favorite is the beautiful tatted lace trim! Did you tat that yourself? If not, where did you get it?
kerrykatiecakes2 said…
Now, what about your name made me know you would like the tatted trim best? lol I can't lay claim to making it although I probably could have managed it. That one was reclaimed off a doily I bought at the thrift store. I am always bringing orphan linens home - can't stand the thought of all that work going to waste!
Rengin Yazitas said…
Cathy is so lucky winner, indeed. Those are real treasure for a CQ'er. Your selections are super...
Rengin, from Istanbul
Pat Winter Gatherings said…
WOW! What a wonderful giveaway. How much fun will the winner have openeing that? I see Oya????Oh man!!!! My eyes has been away too long.
Shirley said…
I have put your blog in for a
Kreativ BLogger award. You are welcome to go to my blog and copy the icon on my side bar. I love your work. Shirley
Anonymous said…
Thank you Kerry - enjoy your getaway. I'll keep an eye on your blog for future happenings. I am in no rush - really enjoying learning all about CQ right now.

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