I had a lot of fun today working on the teacup block. The first thing I addecd was a stickpin I picked up at the thrift store with this block in mind. After removing the pin portion I was left with a little metal teapot and cup joined with a dangling chain. I love it! It got sewn on with a pale silk thread.
In keeping with the theme, I added a teabag! I used a real teabag for a pattern. After disassembling it and reducing the size by 50%, I used a portion of very fine fabric from a damaged vintage ladies hankerchief to construct the bag. The embroidery on the hankie as well as it's pretty scalloped edge will find their way into another project in the future. To fill the teabag with tea, I used small silverlined green seed beads. The tag on the tea bag is embroidered in long and short stitch and the string is stem stitch, both with one strand of DMC. The bag was a hoot to build - great fun - and I am happy with the result. It ended up very close to what I was visualizing.