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End of an Era Giveaway - CLOSED

I was saddened to read in my mail yesterday that FiberArts magazine has come to an end - this is the last issue.  Kind of the end of an era.  How many fiber artists have been inspired by this magazine?  How many have been featured in its pages?  Sad to see good things end!
In honour of Fiber Arts magazine and all the inspiration they have provided over the years, I'm giving away this copy of the last issue.  Leave a comment on this post and tell me something that inspires you - a magazine, a book, nature, whatever.  I will draw a name on Monday, July 18th and get this mailed off to you!


Grovenore said…
Kerry, I've never even seen this magazine before and I'm usually pretty aware of what's out there. My biggest inspiration to date was the 2003 Fall Issue of Belle Armoire that featured a black CQ jacket. That's what got me started in CQ and my own version of that black CQ jacket is in progress (I collected black fabric/embellishments for 7 years before starting it) and will hopefully be finished soon. I'd love to win the magazine and have a look at it -- and maybe find more inspiration!! Grovenore
Anonymous said…
oh that is so sad when something good comes to an end, but something better always seems to take it's place don't you think. I get so much inspiration from all kinds of mags and then combine for my own style, as I'm sure so many others do as well.

Take care
kerrykatiecakes2 said…
Hi Grovenore, Thank you for entering my little giveaway - good luck! I would love to get ahold of a copy of the 2003 Fall Issue of Belle Armoire to see this jacket - and of course yours when it is done! Might have to see if I can find a copy of that issue on ebay! Thanks for the information on it!
Unknown said…
I wish there were more cq and embroidery magazines to inspire me. I guess it's books that do. Or, even more, life happenings with my friends and family. Sometimes it's just color I want to play with. I love trees; they inspire me.
Grovenore said…
I will try and scan the black CQ jacket in my copy of Belle Armoire and send it to you. I also have "before" pictures of my jacket. They were taken before I started embellishing it months ago (last fall). I will find them tonight and bring them to work tomorrow to scan. Are you planning a trip to the Calgary stampede? I entered my first CQ jacket in the competition, but haven't been down there to see whether or not it won, or more importantly, what the competition looked like in the quilted wearable items category. Grovenore
kerrykatiecakes2 said…
Hi again! I have just ordered a copy of that issue from Amazon - dont know how long I will have to wait to see it! I wasn't going to try to make it to Stampede this year but now I really really want to! Trying to find a way to skive off work and sneak into the city for a few hours. Good luck - hope you got a ribbon! And I would LOVE to see pics of in progress!
Grovenore said…
If you are able to get to the Stampede would you mind taking a picture of my jacket, amidst the competition? I would be forever grateful! Also, could you let me know if I did win a ribbon? Otherwise I won't know until I go to pick it up on the 19th. Thanx. Grovenore
kerrykatiecakes2 said…
Absolutely! Trying right now to round someone up to drive in with me!
Michele Bilyeu said…
Oh, this is so sad! It makes me wonder how many more might fold! I love Quilting Arts and Cloth, Paper, Scissors and look at the others on the racks when I get a chance or have a discount coupon. I always find ideas and inspiration from everything and everyone in one way or another it seems. Probably why I spend so much time reading blogs ;)I would love to own this magazine so please do enter my name in the drawing!
Michele T said…
I am always saddened when something comes to an end. My inspiration lately comes from blogs, an idea triggers and I'm off creating!
lewmew said…
Color - playing with it, mixing it up, seeing what goes together (and doesn't). Which means I dabble in many of its forms - needlework, quilting, applique and photgraphy :)
Unknown said…
Hi Kerry wow what inspires me...Really I guess I would have to say nature, other people, colors, paintings etc. Thanks for the give a way it looks like it was a good magazine...take care

Quayceetatter said…
I have seen a lot of magazines come and go and it is a loss to the fiber community. Would love to win a the last copy...Linda in NM
Carol in Clermont said…
Comment number 13..maybe it'll be lucky if I get in there before someone else this morning! Most of my inspiration comes from studying everyones works on the CQI site. I can take all the time I need to study it and make notes. Some wonderful "live" work at retreats too.
Rita in Kansas said…
I know they are working on a new one, so heads up ,I love reading it,so much news.
helina said…
So sad news, yet the issues give a lot of isnpiration later. Thank you for the giveaway,

SewCalGal said…
Wow. I agree. Very sad news. Would love to win this copy too.

Sally said…
It is a sad day to fiber artists when such a fine publication ends its reign. This isn't the first time that I've found I will mourn a publication. But, what inspires me? Life. My garden. Seeing art through my grandchildren's eyes. Squinting at something to get another viewpoint. Studying some other artist's work and trying to understand what inspired them to take this journey. Owning orignal art by others. Besting my own last best effort. Trying to evoke an image that I can translate in fabric from a piece of music, whether it be classical, jazz, tribal, percussion, etc.
RIP Fiber Arts!

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