My good friend, Leslie, presented me with this wonderful gift at retreat this year - my very own crazy quilted chatelaine! Isn't it gorgeous?! I have to share some close-ups so you can see all the beautiful hand dyed lace, the fabrics, the stitches and all the ingenuity that went into making this.
Leslie built a pincushion right into the chatelaine - I know that has my whole family breathing a sigh of relief as I am prone to sticking my needle into the arm of the couch or whatever happens to be handy! Hopefully, this will make their lives easier and they will have to suffer through fewer sharp surprises.
Look at that hand dyed lace flower! Are you drooling yet? lol And I love that there are so many pockets and that each one holds such a delightful surprise. You can see the matching needlebook peeking out of the pocket here along with another surprise I'll share at the end of the post.
My name tag from retreat is stuck on the chatelaine here as you can see. Both years I have been to retreat we have beall been given these wonderful handmade name tags when we arrived. I love them both and will keep them forever as yet another happy memento of retreat.
You can see the wonderful bit of lace here at the bottom - can you guess what is attached to it by the red ribbon?
My scissors which will always be handy now when I need them!
More yummy lace - this time attached to the matching needlebook that fits into one of the pockets. There were other surprises in the pockets too - a silkie and other goodies!
I loved finding this little one in the pocket - isn't she wonderful?
And look - she comes apart so I can stick a needle into her pants (I'll feel mean doing it!) and then tuck her bottom half back up inside. I have no idea where Leslie found her but I think she is a real treasure!
Thank you so much Leslie for this beautiful gift of friendship - it means the world to me and I will treasure it always!
