This is what I am currently working on. It seems to be slow going but I hope to finish it soon. I have three more seam treatments to go as well as adding some sort of flower to the ribbon stem and leaf seam. Then a couple more motifs and it should be ready to use.
In spite of it being slow going, I am happy with the way each element has worked up, especially the lower two seam treatments. I am using tiger tape with these and it really seems to help with the consistency of the stitch sizing.
The cabachon face I made with Fimo - it doesn't seem to want to stay put so more work needed there.
The little button cluster has two dyed mother of pearl flower shaped buttons as well as a very pretty irridescent glass button in the center that doesn't want to show itself off in the scan. I think I will still add some beads to this for a bit more sparkle.
The stem stitch stork scissor motif if done with one strand of DMC and a bead for the sye. I have used this motif before, it is one of my favourites.
Thanks for looking .... back to stitching....