This is a very discouraging time of the year for me. It is the time when the venues I have submitted class proposals to count up their registrations for each class and let me know if they will "be a go". I am always disappointed to find out there was not enough interest in a class for it to run - I want everyone to learn about stitching in general and crazy quilting in particular and learn to love it like I do!
(1) how do I get myself cheered up about it?, and (2) how do I work towards a more successful outcome in the future?
These two questions are related after all because if I get a more successful outcome, it will make me feel better as well!
Looking at the first question first...
- I should relax and let go of the stress. After all, now I don't have to worry about getting all the class prep completed in time, right?
- I can go back to working on my Penny Rug project without feeling guilty because of the samples, etc. I should really be doing. No class - no samples needed!
- Return to my belated "spring cleaning" - reclaiming my house after five months away and getting it back to the way I like it. NOT pointing any fingers here either - dd was working away as well and dh was doing his best while working 10+ hour days with 3+ commuting time.
- All my suitcases from retreat - most of which are stash - still need to be unpacked and that has got to be like Christmas!
- The trailer still needs to be unpacked and cleaned up - all I managed to unpack before I left for retreat was the refrigerator in there!
- All my suitcases from retreat - most of which are stash - still need to be unpacked and that has got to be like Christmas!
- The trailer still needs to be unpacked and cleaned up - all I managed to unpack before I left for retreat was the refrigerator in there!
- I am just burning to try the piecing techniques I learned from Martha Green at retreat. That will be a real treat to myself!
Now, what to do about next session's classes?
- promote it! This is difficult for me - I don't like blowing my own horn. I am scheduled to have a little display though as "Artist of the Month" at the county offices in January and that might build a bit of interest in crazy quilting I hope so it is a plus.
- I'll make a few phone calls this morning also to the different venues and see if I can get them to let the people registered in the classes that won't run know that the same classes are scheduled elsewhere. Perhaps if they combine them they will be able to go.
- Concentrate on the classes that will be running and put the others out of my mind for now. Concentrate on the positive, right?
Okay, so here is where you can help me! Any ideas on what kind of classes you would like to take? What might others be interested in? Any suggestions?
On the second point, I really think you aught to blow your own trumpet!!
I have never done CQ but your blog is so inspirational that I know that if I lived near you, I would jump at the chance of taking a class with you.
So ..... would flyers mentioning what you are offering and mentioning your blog be something to consider? If people even vaguely interested in sewing come and look round your blog, I think they would really consider a class with you.
I have a couple of my art quilts on display at the library for Art Week here. I don't have any cq pieces that I could take up but maybe you can find more places to display yours. I have seen paintings in restaurants, maybe in some office or professional buildings. Although it must be disappointing that your classes didn't happen, maybe you could look on it as an opportunity to take some time for your projects. I love your pumpkin :)