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Notes from the Lake - DH is laughing at me! Way off topic

I was busy bagging up some packages of smelts which the fishermen like to use for bait - the pike really seem to like them.  While I was bagging them, DH was watching me and commented that it was a shame that they weren't the larger smelts.  I innocently commented back, agreeing with him and adding that the larger smelts were nice eating.  Well, you should have seen his jar drop!  What???  Yes, I said, we used to have smelts for supper when I was a kid and I really enjoyed them.  Well, you would have thought I had suggested eating slugs!  Now, while DH was giggling hysterically and running for the phone so he could tell all and sundry that his wife eats "chub", whatever that is, I was remembering this was one of my favourite meals!  And my absolute favourite dessert was hot cooked macaroni with canned milk and brown sugar on it.  And we ate organ meats long before we knew they were good for you - we ate them because they gave "the guts" away to anyone who wanted them. 

So, my question is what weird and wonderful foods do you remember from the good old (broke) days?  And second question, how can I get even with the giggler?


Laurie said…
Oh gosh Kerry, smelt was one of my favorite meals mom cooked. Dad would go down to the river and catch net fulls, and she would clean them up, bread and fry them by the bucket loads! Delicious!
I remember the lean days well, as there were 7 mouths to feed. Thursday dinners were sparse, one of my favorites was when Mom would slice up bologna and fry in with canned tomatoes and onions, sometimes green pepper. I love it. Macaroni and tomatoes was another cheap but good filler.
To get back, do a "chub" fry, and let him see what he's been missing!
Gerry Krueger said…
That is way too easy... Mine was chicken livers sauted with green onions and bacon with just a dash of cream added and served on toast... When DH is out of town I fix them for myself...and others go Ewwwwwww!
BUT when we have a party EVERYONE raves about my pate.... Guess what.. chicken livers, green onions and bacon with a little cream and put in a food processor... plus a dash of Calvados My secret revenge...

Hugs Gerry.....
Pamela Kellogg said…
Oh, how funny! I love smelts! So does my husband.

I also love, kidneys, livers, gizzards & beef tongue. Bubba is grossed out by that but his family loves those things like I do!

As for how to get even, hmmm....will have to think on that for a bit!
Cathy said…
I've always been a liver fan, especially chicken livers. When I was little (age 3), my parents divorced and my mom went back to work as an accountant. Funds apparently got real tight until she got her first paycheck, so there was one week where all we had was wieners every night. She said that I got sick of them and wouldn't eat them, and the funny thing is that one of my first memories is of spitting a mouthful of hotdog in the toilet! But I wasn't smart enough to flush it down, and when my mom asked me if I ate it, I lied and said yes. But she checked the toilet and there was the hotdog! Oops! We used to have hotdogs fried with potatoes, too. And yes, I LOVE hot dogs as an adult. Especially Dodger Dogs at Dodger Stadium, LOL!!

As for getting even, what does he truly hate to eat? I'd find a way to get his least favorite ingredient into a dish and make it so scrumptious that he doesn't even know it's there. Until you tell him later, of course!

gocrazywithme said…
My parents and grandparents raised their own chickens, pigs, and beef calves. They used everything that could be eaten. We also caught trout in the summer and fall and froze what couldn't be eaten immediately.
I recall my 2nd grade class discussing odd things to eat one time and my saying that I liked to eat the eggs from a trout. Someone said "ewww" of course, and someone else said, "what does it taste like?" The only thing I could think of to compare the taste to was calf brains! I'm lucky I had any friends after that...

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