This is another bit of stitching I worked on and could not post about at the time. I wish the photos of the piece were better but the reflection kept coming up.
It is customary for the board of EAC to create a collaborative piece of stitching for the outgoing president. This piece was designed by incoming presdient, Beryl, and presented to outgoing president, Joyce (above).
Here is the finished piece. Each board member was given a template for a section and asked to recreate their portion using whatever stitching technique they wished. My section was the piece of white sky in the middle of the top. I did it entirely in chain stitch with one strand of floss and added grey and yellow shading for wisps of clouds. With all this colour to choose from trust me to get white! lol Beryl and Isla performed a minor miracle in putting all the pieces together and adding the black trim to make the stained glass effect.
The piece was presented to Joyce at Seminar. We had a bit more fun by making Joyce guess who had made each section.
Beryl and Isla created a lovely little album to go with the piece with a page for each section explaining the techniques used and photos and personal notes from each contributor. It really was a wonderful thing to see and be part of!