I'm preparing blocks for a Christmas Round Robin starting up. We're making this round robin for larger than usual projects with a slower than usual turn around on the blocks. We'll have two months to work on each before sending them on.

I decided that my project would be a small tree skirt, made up Dresden plate style of 14 wedges. Seven wedges will be crazy quilted and the other seven will be solid - perhaps black velvet? - and the two types will alternate.

These are the first four which I finished piecing today. I have three more to go but with company coming for the weekend I will likely not get them done until Monday. I was really feeling like I was on a roll with these so it may be hard to resist finishing them up.

I had intended to go with Christmas colours but once I dug out all my silks I found they just had a mind of their own! I also enjoyed adding a few extras in the way of hand dyed laces, embroidered handkerchiefs and some silk and metal hand embroidery from a decorative cushion.
I'm looking forward to getting started on this round robin. I will post pictures of the final three wedges when I have them done as well.
That is really a fantastic idea for a tree skirt! Do you have a pattern, or did you make up your own?
Hope this information is helpful!