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Technology is not my friend! (Book Reviews)

My new internet hub gave up the ghost after only a month so I was stuck with no connection for a couple weeks until I could get to town to have the faulty cord replaced.  Frustrating to say the least!
Back online now, but in the meantime, now the electrical system in the 5th wheel has gone haywire on me...  I am left now with three working plug ins and two lights that work - one in the bathroom and the other above the computer.  At least the receptacles I plug the computer into are still working so I can sit in the dark and be  
While I was out of touch with the world at large though, I did a lot of reading.  I don't know how I manage it since I am working between 12 and 16 hours a day six days a week (yes, this is when being on salary really sucks - it I was getting an hourly wage I would be able to retire soon!)  Anyway, here are the eclectic mix of books I have read the last couple weeks...

Raven's Cry, written by Christine Harris (illustrations by Bill Reid)
I enjoyed this book for the insight it gave me into the Haida culture and traditions.  To me at least, the history of these Native people of the Queen Charlotte Islands (Haida Gwaii which translates to "Islands of the People"), British Columbia.  I was fascinated with the rich tradition of Haida art and find myself wanting to know much more now.

The Dovekeepers, written by Alice Hoffman
Like Raven's Cry, this book provides insight into a people and time, in this case the time is 70AD and the people are four women during the seige of Masada.  It tells the story of the intertwining lives of these women and is definitely a good read in my opinion.

The Good German, written by Joseph Kanon
Again, a time and place I had not given much thought to - Berlin in 1945.  This is a good story - mystery and love against the backdrop of a city devastated by war. Worth reading.

Strangers, written by Dean Koontz
I have a weakness for books by Dean Koontz and this one is not a disappointment.  A great story, good characters and development.  Difficult to put down.

Zen and the Art of Needlecraft, written by Sandra Detrixhe
The review says it better than I can:
"Passionate crafters know that needlecraft - knitting, sewing, quilting, cross-stitch, et al is so much more than a hobby or a way of passing the time. "Zen and the Art of Needlecraft" explores needlecraft as a means of balancing the mind, achieving enlightenment, and living consciously every day. Whether embracing the Zen principles in gift giving or creating projects conducive to spiritual growth, author Sandra Detrixhe leads the reader along the Zen path in the way that only another serious crafter can."

Fishbowl, written by Sarah Mlynowski
I would call this one a good summer read - amusing and light hearted story of some broke girls sharing an apartment.  Mostly fluff but when you are stuck in a camper with my tv and no internet it passes the time pleasantly.  

A Stolen Life, written by Jaycee Lee Dugard
A disturbing book about Jaycee Lee Dugard, kidnapped by a stranger at eleven years of age and kept for eighteen years.  A sad commentary on how an overworked system ultimately fails in protecting those who need protecting.  Uplifting in her strength and optomism.

The Panic Zone, writyten by Rick Mofina
I enjoyed this thriller, a bit complicated in characters and locations but a good read.

Cellar Girl, written by Josephina Rivera
My daughter in law is a fan of true crime stories and loaned me this book.  It is disturbing and graphic but ultimately her strength is what allows this woman to survive and see some of the other women imprisoned by a serial killer released.  A story of human endurance.

That's some of the books I have read lately - quite the list I realize and it makes you wonder how I have time while I am complaining of being overworked and exhausted and unable to accomplish much of anything.  I guess my excuse is that when I am too tired to do anything at all, I can still manage to read into the wee hours of the morning.  


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