I am constantly seeing things that inspire me to try to stitch them - do you? It seems like these ideas are everywhere around us and I am continually taking photos so I will remember them later.
This feature wall on the exterior of the Royal Albert Museum in Edmonton has me thinking of stitching the ancient pictographs of the aboriginal people of Alberta.
Perhaps a visit to Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park is in order to do more research!
At the EAC National Seminar this year, the fruit trees at SAIT were in full bloom but early in the week we awoke to a spring snow. The juxtaposition of the spring blossoms weighed down with a blanket of winter snow appealed to me - typical Alberta weather!
I think a thread painted magpie will be a project in the near future. Everytime I see one of these birds close up, I appreciate the blue metallic sheen in their black feathers. Can't you see this captured with lovely Kreinik threads creating the highlights?
So, what inspires you?