I am going to Edmonton for ten days of classes with Tanja Berlin in April - so excited! The first class I am taking is four days on designing your own needlepainting picture. I will be stitching Duke, my daughter's older bloodhound - love that dog! This is the photo I will be using for the basis of the needlepainted or threadpainted piece I'll be working on. Isn't he the handsomest boy?! The second class will be two days of goldwork and I had to choose one of Tanja's kits for that one. I have wanted to learn or nue for some time now so am going to do her peacock feather piece. The last class is three more days and is on designing your own blackwork pieces. No idea what I will do on that one yet but very excited. These classes are all put on by the Focus on Fibre Arts Association - a wonderful organization in Edmonton devoted to encouraging, fostering and developing, excellence and appreciation of fibre as an art form. Their goals are to ...
I have lots of posts on embroidery, needlework and crazy quilting. Right now, in the time of Covid pandemic, my interests have turned to living frugally, gardening, cooking, etc. A regular Suzie Homemaker!