It felt like spring today! Winter has seemed so long this year and even though I know I am deluded to think winter is really over, how can you resist believing the warmer weather is here to stay?
Last spring I decided to "get into bees" and set up a hive and ordered a box of bees. Several days before the bee package was due to arrive, I fell and broke my back - no spinal cord damage but two crushed vertebrae. So, when the call came that the bees had arrived I was unable to drive to pick them up and my poor, unsuspecting husband had to go off to get them. I should hasten to add at this point that he was definitely NOT interested in getting into bees.
He was even less interested in driving home for an hour with a mesh box full of approximately 10,000 annoyed honeybees in the back seat. I have to say he is a good sport. So, he got the queen and her attendants all situated in the hive and I have had very little to do with them until now. As you can see above, today I donned my bee jacket. I went out to try to assess how they managed getting through the winter. I got the two top lids off and my assessment is that they got through VERY well! Or at least there are a lot more than there were when we started out last year. Today's whole experiment came to a quick stop when both the bees and I realized that my gloves were not sting proof. Tomorrow is another day... Took my mind off COVID for awhile though!