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February "Take it Further" Challenge

Sharon has posted the February Take it Further Challenge at:

The theme for February it what are you old enough to remember?

I remember milk being delivered to the door in glass bottles with little cardboard tops that were the forerunner to pogs. I remember that since the milk was not homogenized on cold winter days the cream would rise to the top and freeze creating an inch or two of "ice cream" which my brothers and I could compete for.

I remember when a bottle of Coca-Cola cost 12 cents and there was a 2 cent deposit on the bottle. (Incidentally, I remember when typewriters had the cent sign on them which computer keyboards no longer have.) I remember when the coke machine was like a large metal ice chest full of cold water and you would take the bottle you wanted by the neck and pull it through a maze like path until you could pull it out the opening. I remember when bottle openers were on the machines and the caps fell into a holder below. I remember when store screen doors had wide push handles across them emblazoned with the logo of your favourite soft drink.

I remember when popsicles were only six cents and if you only had three cents the store person would break it in half and sell you one side of it. I remember when penny candy was everywhere and a dime would buy you a bag of candy big enough to make you sick. I remember jaw breakers, licorice babies, black balls, etc. I remember Gwenny's candy shop where she sold barley sugar she made using molds of ships, bunnies, etc.

I remember Christmas parcels coming from my auntie in England and all the nooks and crannies of the package weren't filled with styrofoam - they were packed with exotic candy bars we had never heard of here and dolly mix and jelly babies and Blackpool rock. There were always pregummed strips of paper ready to be licked and joined into miles of paper chains for Christmas decorations.

I remember when the Beatles played on Ed Sullivan. I remember when I was allowed to stay up on Sunday night to watch Ed Sullivan until Topo Gego came on. I remember The Rifleman, Have Gun Will Travel, Bonanza, Wagon Train, The Lone Ranger, Rawhide and Maverick. I remember all the words to the theme songs. I remember watching in black and white when the Queen visited Canada, when John Kennedy was shot, when they walked on the moon.

I remember being free to run and play until the street lights came on and signaled time to go home. I remember crowds of kids playing hide and seek, kick the can, freeze tag and cowboys and indians. I remember when an abandoned car was a source of endless games and delights.

I remember my mother curling my hair with a curling iron she heated in the wood stove. I remember when all baking was homemade and all the laundry was dried on a line and then ironed.

I remember matching dresses my sister and I wore to England to visit my grandparents made from a border print my auntie bought at the market and sent to my mom. I can look at one of the quilts my mom made and pick out that 101 Dalmation fabric as well as the blue and red starred cotton my pedal pushers were made from. I can remember housedresses and aprons. I can remember my parents when they were a lot younger than I am now and I still think they were wiser than I am now.

I can remember starting to learn embroidery and stitching placemats, pillowcases, tea towels, dresser scarves and anything else that wasn't tied down. I can remember making yards and yards of corking with wool and a spool with four nails in it. I can remember when a store bought dress was my wildest dream.

I can remember wearing miniskirts, maxiskirts, bell bottoms, suede fringe, blue mascara and eyeshadow, white lipstick, an army jacket and a horrible old racoon coat my mother was convinced had fleas. I remember the best dog I ever had, my best friends, and special teachers who sparked a love of learning. I remember the strap, holding books over my head and standing in the corner. I remember bad things that have changed for the better and good things that have changed for the worst. I am very happy to have married a man who also remembers the things I do and who can sing the theme to Maverick with me.

I can't remember an appointment I have to keep, what I ate yesterday or where I put my glasses and car keys.

What do you remember?


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